Neat Sh-t


The Definition of Neat Sh-t
If we have to define neat sh-t for you, you shouldn't be reading this section. Each of us has our own personal definition, whether we know it or not and we know it, when we see it. In this case, you're going to be subjected to our definition of it.

We've just added whole bunch of progress reports on my old hotrod roadster. This is on top of our visit to a ghost town, a look at an incredible little OX-5 miniature engine and we just added the first five parts of building a Kentucky/Pennsylvania rifle. We have no idea what will pop up next and neither do you. That's the fun of it!  The list is going to keep growing.

If you think it's neat, send it along
Don't hesitate to let us know about something new, unique, or just flat strange. If you think it's neat, chances are we will too.

Loading Note...text loads fast, pictures don't
Articles with a lot of pictures take a little while to load. The text will come up immediately, so you can be reading that while the pictures are loading.

If you like Neat Sh*t, you'll LOVE Budd novels

Cobalt Blue's hero drives a rusty '51 Willy's Overland powered by a Chevy, defends himself with a Remington rolling block buffalo rifle and lives in a converted abandoned mine building. The hero of The Stonewall Files is rich but drives a '56 F-100 with a big block Chevy and flies a P-40 (among other things). These are novels for Neat Sh*t kind of people. Think "Tom Clancy meets Huck Finn."

Go to novels for a couple of sample chapters and how to order the books.

An autographed copy of these would make great a Christmas gift!

Serious Neat Sh-t

Bodie California: Ghost Town ­ Like something out of a movie, but real.

OX-5 Miniature engine -- This little thing actually runs!

It's a Long Rifle Thing

The Roadster Chronicles

"This little hotrod and I have been together nearly half a century. We started life together and, as I rebuild it, it looks as if we're going to be together at the end, a couple of survivors helping each other survive. "

The Roadster and Me-- Even a Small Town Kid can Dream Big

Status Report - August 2007

Roadster- Part Two- The Frame Really Sucked.

Roadster -Part Three - Giving Head (er) to a Hotrod

Roadster -Part Four - A Deuce of a Time With the Grill

Roadster -Part Five - Body Beautiful (not really): an update

Roadster -Part Six - Getting goofy about the parking brake handle

Roadster -Part Seven - A Shocking Affair: mounting the rear shocks

Roadster -Part Eight - Of Blind Bolts and Radius Rod Mounts