These are the air combat maneuvering simulators at
Luke AFB. Look in the article section to see what it's like to
fly them.
Bellanca Skyrocket II, first composite bird
Malcom Forbes' Boeing 727, "The Capitalist Tool".
This is the way Steve Forbes grew up. Not exactly a log cabin
upbringing for a presidential candidate is it?
We are fortunate enough to call Patty Wagstaff a close
friend (although I don't dare leave her and my wife, the Arizona
Redhead, Marlene, in a bar alone). As a person she combines tremendous
intellect, backbone and tenacity with a surprising amount of shyness
when taken out of her element. Here are some random shots taken
for her publicity mill. Take special note of the vertical down
planform. In any verticle shot, the camership and subject plane
are in the same attitude, usually a loop. In this case, Carl Pascarell
(the only person I'll trust in this situation) was flying me.
We'd go over the top of a loop, stop going straight down, then
Patty would turn into us and we'd fly that formation until we
were going too fast. Then Carl would pull out. Lotsa fun!
Couldn't pass this one up. "Free Semen"!!!
Makes you wonder what they're doing in the tent.
Ken Brock (left shot) is another of our friends. A
true gentleman and king of the gyro pilots
Yak 52, biggest bang for the warbird buck! $125K brand
Zlin 242, good airplane in search of a bigger motor
Jimmy Buffet doing what he does best at the Phoenix
500 races. And, yes, there is an aviation connection here. Buffet
is an addicted seaplane pilot. Get his books, Tales From Margaritaville,
In Search of Joe Merchant and his latest, A Pirate Turns Fifty.
We guarantee you won't be disappointed and, no, we don't know
him and we aren't getting royalties. Airplanes figure into all
of his books.